Can I Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean My AirPods?

Can I Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean My AirPods

Cleaning your AirPods is an important aspect of maintaining their functionality and hygiene. While rubbing alcohol can be effective in disinfecting surfaces, it’s crucial to exercise caution when using it on electronic devices like AirPods.

It’s generally not recommended to use rubbing alcohol to clean your AirPods or any electronic devices. Rubbing alcohol can potentially damage the delicate components and the outer shell of the AirPods. Instead, you can use a soft, lint-free cloth slightly dampened with water to gently wipe the exterior surfaces. For stubborn grime, you can moisten the cloth with a mixture of water and a small amount of mild soap.

Avoid using excessive moisture, and make sure your AirPods are completely dry before placing them back in their case or using them. Additionally, be cautious not to let any liquid enter the charging ports or openings on the AirPods.

For the speaker grilles and other intricate areas, you can use a small brush, such as a soft-bristle toothbrush, to dislodge any debris. Always be gentle and avoid applying excessive pressure.

If you have concerns about cleaning your AirPods, you may refer to Apple’s official guidelines for cleaning their products or contact Apple support for specific advice related to your device model.


  1. External Surfaces: You can use rubbing alcohol on the external surfaces of your AirPods, such as the plastic casing, to remove dirt, oils, and disinfect the device.
  2. Mesh Openings: Be cautious when cleaning the mesh openings of the speakers or microphones. Rubbing alcohol may be too harsh for these delicate components and could affect their performance.
  3. Charging Case: For the charging case, avoid getting liquid inside the charging port or around the hinge area. Use a slightly dampened cloth with rubbing alcohol for external cleaning.

Steps to Clean AirPods with Rubbing Alcohol:

  1. Power Off: Ensure your AirPods are turned off before cleaning to prevent any potential damage.
  2. Remove Ear Tips: If your AirPods have silicone ear tips, remove them to clean separately. You can wash silicone ear tips with mild soap and water.
  3. Dampen Cloth: Dampen a microfiber or lint-free cloth with a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Ensure the cloth is not excessively wet.
  4. Wipe External Surfaces: Gently wipe the external surfaces of the AirPods and the charging case with the dampened cloth. Pay attention to areas with fingerprints, dirt, or grime.
  5. Avoid Mesh Openings: Exercise caution around the mesh openings. You can use a soft brush or a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol for more precision when cleaning around these areas.
  6. Let it Dry: Allow your AirPods and the charging case to air dry thoroughly before placing the ear tips back on or using them again.

What to Avoid:

  1. Excessive Moisture: Avoid using excessive amounts of rubbing alcohol or any liquid that might seep into the internal components of your AirPods.
  2. Direct Application: Do not apply rubbing alcohol directly to the AirPods; instead, use a cloth to control the amount of liquid.
  3. Extended Soaking: Avoid leaving your AirPods in contact with rubbing alcohol for an extended period.
  4. Abrasive Materials: Do not use abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that can scratch or damage the surfaces of your AirPods.

Alternative Cleaning Methods:

  1. Dry Microfiber Cloth: For routine cleaning, a dry microfiber cloth can effectively remove dust and light dirt without the need for liquids.
  2. Compressed Air: Use compressed air to blow away dust from hard-to-reach areas without direct contact.
  3. Electronics Wipes: Pre-moistened electronics wipes designed for delicate surfaces can be an alternative to rubbing alcohol.
  4. Cotton Swabs: Use cotton swabs for detailed cleaning around edges and openings, avoiding excessive moisture.

How to Clean AirPods with IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol):


  1. Remove Ear Tips: Take off the silicone ear tips if your AirPods have them.
  2. Use a Soft Brush: Gently brush away loose debris from the speaker mesh and other openings.
  3. Dampen a Cloth or Cotton Swab: Lightly dampen a cloth or cotton swab with a mixture of water and a small amount of isopropyl alcohol.
  4. Wipe Carefully: Wipe the surfaces of the AirPods, avoiding excessive moisture. Pay attention to the speaker mesh, but be cautious not to push debris further into the device.
  5. Dry Thoroughly: Allow the AirPods to air dry completely before reattaching the ear tips.

How to Clean AirPods Mesh:


  1. Use a Soft Brush: Gently brush away any visible debris from the mesh.
  2. Dampen a Cloth or Cotton Swab: Lightly dampen a cloth or cotton swab with a mixture of water and a small amount of isopropyl alcohol.
  3. Patience is Key: Take your time to wipe the mesh gently, avoiding excessive pressure.
  4. Air Dry: Allow the AirPods to air dry thoroughly before use.

How to Clean AirPods at Home:


  1. Remove Ear Tips: If applicable, take off the silicone ear tips.
  2. Brush Away Debris: Use a soft brush to remove loose debris from the device.
  3. Gentle Cleaning Solution: Dampen a cloth or cotton swab with a mixture of water and a small amount of isopropyl alcohol.
  4. Wipe Surfaces Carefully: Wipe the surfaces of the AirPods, avoiding excessive moisture.
  5. Dry Completely: Allow the AirPods to air dry completely before reassembling and using.

How to Clean AirPods Ear Wax:


  1. Remove Ear Tips: Take off the silicone ear tips.
  2. Soft Brush: Gently brush away visible earwax from the speaker mesh.
  3. Cotton Swab with Alcohol: Use a cotton swab lightly dampened with a small amount of isopropyl alcohol to clean the areas with stubborn wax.
  4. Avoid Pushing Wax In: Be cautious not to push earwax further into the device.
  5. Air Dry: Allow the AirPods to air dry completely before use.

Maintaining clean AirPods enhances both their performance and longevity. Always exercise caution, use gentle cleaning solutions, and avoid excessive moisture to keep your AirPods in top condition.


While rubbing alcohol can be used to clean the external surfaces of your AirPods, it’s essential to be cautious around delicate components. Following the suggested steps and considering alternative cleaning methods will help maintain the cleanliness of your AirPods without compromising their functionality or appearance. Always refer to Apple’s official guidelines for cleaning and maintaining your AirPods.

Related FAQ’S

Can I Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean My AirPods?

Answer: It’s generally not recommended to use rubbing alcohol directly on AirPods or their case. While rubbing alcohol is an effective disinfectant, it can be harsh on the materials used in AirPods, potentially causing damage over time. Instead, opt for a milder cleaning solution.

Can You Use Rubbing Alcohol to Clean AirPods Case?

Answer: Similar to cleaning AirPods, using rubbing alcohol directly on the case is not advisable. The case may have sensitive components, such as the hinge mechanism or charging port, which could be affected by the harshness of alcohol. Instead, consider using a gentle cleaning solution or disinfectant wipes.

How Do You Clean Ear Wax Out of AirPods?

Answer: Earwax buildup is a common issue with in-ear devices like AirPods. To clean earwax, use a soft, dry cloth or a cotton swab to gently wipe away any visible wax. Avoid pushing wax further into the speaker mesh. If needed, a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab can be used, but exercise caution to prevent liquid from entering the device.

Can I Use 99 Isopropyl Alcohol to Clean AirPods?

Answer: Using 99% isopropyl alcohol is generally not recommended for cleaning AirPods. The high concentration may be too harsh for the device’s materials. Stick to a lower concentration, around 70%, or consider milder cleaning alternatives.

Can I Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Clean My AirPods?

Answer: Hydrogen peroxide may be too strong for cleaning AirPods and can potentially damage the materials. Stick to gentler cleaning solutions to ensure the longevity of your device.

Will Alcohol Break AirPods?

Answer: Excessive use of alcohol, especially high concentrations, may potentially damage the materials and components of AirPods. It’s essential to be cautious and use alcohol sparingly during cleaning.

Is it safe to use rubbing alcohol on AirPods?

Yes, it is generally safe to use rubbing alcohol on AirPods. However, it’s essential to be cautious and use it sparingly.

What type of rubbing alcohol should I use?

Use isopropyl alcohol with a concentration of 70% or lower. Higher concentrations may be too harsh and could potentially damage the AirPods.

How should I clean my AirPods with rubbing alcohol?

Dampen a soft, lint-free cloth or cotton swab with a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Gently wipe the surfaces of the AirPods, being careful not to let any liquid enter the openings.

Can I use rubbing alcohol on the charging case?

Yes, you can use rubbing alcohol on the charging case following the same guidelines. Ensure that no liquid enters the charging port.

Are there any parts of the AirPods I should avoid cleaning with rubbing alcohol?

Avoid using rubbing alcohol on the speaker mesh and the internal components. Stick to cleaning the outer surfaces.

How often should I clean my AirPods with rubbing alcohol?

Clean your AirPods with rubbing alcohol as needed, especially if they appear dirty or if the ear tips are visibly soiled.

Are there alternative cleaning methods for AirPods?

Yes, you can use a slightly damp cloth or a cotton swab with water for a gentler clean. Ensure the AirPods are completely dry before placing them in the charging case.

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